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Asked by: Viktors Paradzhanov
technology and computing databasesHow do I set my Kwikset SmartKey?
People also ask, how do I know if my Kwikset lock is SmartKey?
These locks can be identified by a small vertical slot on the plug, located to the left of the cylinder's keyway**. These locks will also be marked "Kwikset" or "Weiser".
Herein, does Kwikset Smart Key work with any key?
A Kwikset SmartKey tool (One should've came with your lock, but if not, you can buy one on Amazon). The new (or rather, old) key that you want to use instead. This must be a Kwikset key, as Kwikset and Schlage keys are totally different from one another (and won't work in each other's locks).
If you have no key for your locks but need to rekey – a locksmith can still rekey your locks. However, if you do not have a working key, in some cases the total cost for picking the locks and rekeying it will not justify the cost of the rekey and maybe a new lock will be cheaper.