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Asked by: M'Barka Eretrg
business and finance power and energy industryHow do I set up a cooperative in the Philippines?
There are six steps suggested in setting upacooperative.
- Get organized.
- Prepare a general statement called an economic survey.
- Draft the cooperative's by-laws.
- Draft the articles of cooperation.
- Secure bond for accountable officer(s).
- Register your cooperative with theCooperativeDevelopment Authority (CDA).
Correspondingly, how do you form a cooperative?
Starting a Cooperative
- Establish a steering committee. You need to have a groupofpeople who represent the cooperative's potential members.
- Carry out a feasibility study.
- Draft Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws.
- Create a business plan and recruit more members.
- Secure financing.
- Launch.
Just so, where can I register a cooperative?
The Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) isthesole government agency mandated to register all typesofcooperatives. Its main office is located at 827AuroraBlvd., Immaculate Conception, Quezon City. Forregistrationof primary cooperatives, this power hasbeen delegated tothe Regional or Extension Offices.
f. multi-purpose cooperative-combines 2ormore of the business activities of these different typesofcooperatives, e.g credit lending and production,productionand provision of goods and services, etc.