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Asked by: Valdemar Tenelsen
technology and computing computer peripheralsHow do I setup my Canon Pixma mg2922 wireless printer?
- Ascertain to turn On your Canon Pixma MG2922printer.
- Press and hold the Wi-Fi button that is available on topof the printer.
- Do not proceed until the alarm light flashes at leastonce.
- Check if the lamp next to the Wi-Fi button isblinking.
- Navigate to your router and press the WPS buttonon it.
Furthermore, is the Canon Pixma mg2922 wireless?
The Canon Pixma MG2922 is a WiFi printerthat can connect to a network without using a cable. Once connectedto a WiFi network, computers, and gadgets like mobile phonesand tablets which are also connected to that same network can printeffortlessly.
- Connect your device with the network.
- Go to the iTunes or Google Play app store and select the Canonapp.
- Open the document or image you want to send to your printer andselect print.
- On the print preview section of Canon Mobile Printing, select“Printer.”
- Tap print.
Also, how do I get my iPhone to recognize my printer?
Press Print, and the Printer Options screenshould appear. Press Select Printer, and the app will searchfor any AirPrint compatible printers on your Wi-Fi network. If theprinter is turned on and its Wi-Fi is enabled, youriPhone should automatically detect it.
WPS stands for Wi-Fi Protected Setup. It is awireless network security standard that tries to make connectionsbetween a router and wireless devices faster and easier. WPSworks only for wireless networks that use a password that isencrypted with the WPA Personal or WPA2 Personal securityprotocols.