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Asked by: Ziqi Nouri
technology and computing data storage and warehousingHow do I start a Seagate Backup?
The backup feature is available on the Windowsversion of Seagate Dashboard.
Create a backup plan
Create a backup plan
- On the Home page, click Back up to cloud.
- Select specific folders and files and then click Continue.
- Select a cloud storage service, and then click Continue.
- Select a frequency, and then click Start backup.
Keeping this in consideration, does Seagate automatically backup?
Time Machine can automatically back up everythingon your computer in just a few steps. Select Seagate BackupPlus Drive (or the external drive as shown) connected to your Mac,and choose Use for Backup. Your external backup driveis now ready, and a Time Machine backup will start within 2minutes.
- Open (My) Computer.
- Open the OneTouch external drive.
- Open the folder Maxtor Backup.
- Open the next listed folder PCname (this is the name of thecomputer from which the backup was run).
- There will be two folders listed: C and History.
Similarly, you may ask, how do I set up Seagate Backup Plus?
Connect Backup Plus Hub to your computer
- Step 1 - Connect to a power outlet. Attach one end of theincluded power cable to Backup Plus Hub and the other end to aworking power outlet.
- Step 2 – Connect to your computer. Attach the USB Micro-Bend of the included USB cable to Backup Plus Hub.
- Step 3 – Registration and software.
- Formats for Mac and Windows.
1 1/2 to 2 hours