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Asked by: Qiao Roll
family and relationships daycare and pre schoolHow do I stop breastfeeding after 1 year?
- Take away one feeding at a time.
- Eliminate the easiest feedings first.
- Offer a meal instead of nursing.
- Give a cup at each meal, and place eitherbreastmilk or cow's milk in the cup.
- The first time you give cow's milk, mix it with a 25-50%blendof breast milk.
Just so, are there benefits to breastfeeding past 1 year?
Although there has been little research doneonchildren who breastfeed beyond the age of two, theavailableinformation indicates that breastfeeding continuesto be avaluable source of nutrition and disease protection for aslong asbreastfeeding continues.
In this regard, can you start breastfeeding after stopping?
If you stop breastfeeding, you canstartagain. Relactation is the name given to the process ofrebuilding amilk supply and resuming breastfeeding at sometime afterbreastfeeding has stopped. Why woulda motherwant to start breast feeding afterstopping?
Over the first few weeks and months, the timebetweenfeedings will start to get longer— on average aboutevery 2to 4 hours for most exclusively breastfed babies. Somebabies mayfeed as often as every hour at times, oftencalledcluster feeding, or may have a longer sleep interval of 4 to5hours.