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Asked by: Yulia Hirschkopf
hobbies and interests woodworkingHow do I stop my ceiling from cracking?
Similarly, it is asked, how do you fix cracks in drywall that keeps coming back?
Before you patch, use a painter's 5-in-1 tool to rake out the former repair materials. Then scoop out the patch and spread it on in thin layers. Wipe off any excess (you won't be able to sand it down like joint compound), let the patch dry, then paint. This story appears in the November 2015 issue of Popular Mechanics.
Also know, how do you fix cracks in ceiling drywall?
- Step 1 Superficial Drywall Ceiling Crack Repair.
- Use mesh tape to tape over the crack.
- Use either a five-in-one or a putty knife to spread the compound.
- After the compound has completely dried sand down any ridges that resulted from the putty knife.
- Prime and paint the ceiling.
Homes naturally settle as they age, which can create crevices in the walls and ceilings typically above doors and windows as well as in corners. These superficial hairline cracks can usually be re-taped—but, if the house continues to settle, the cracks are likely to reappear in the same spots.