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Asked by: Jozef Lucendo
home and garden home appliancesHow do I stop my electric baseboard heater from clicking?
Correspondingly, why does my electric heater keep clicking?
If the clicking is persistent, especially while the furnace is running its hardest, this could be a sign that the heat exchanger that passes heat through metal into the air safely has formed a crack. The crack is causing the metal to expand and contract, thereby making the noise. The element itself may also be damaged.
Also Know, how do I stop my radiator from clicking?
If your expanding radiator pipes is to blame for the creaks and clicks in your home, then cushioning your piping might be the best solution. Either using expanding foam insulation, or by moving the furniture your piping is expanding against, you'll find that your piping quietens down in no time at all.
The Pilot Light (Faulty Ignition Sensor) The pilot light or ignition sensor is usually the most common issue when your furnace will not ignite. This is typically the problem if you can hear your furnace click on but it does not fire up. If the sensor or ignitor is dirty, it will need to be cleaned.