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Asked by: Diamond Horkin
music and audio hard rockHow do I strengthen my fingers for barre chords?
Then, what is the easiest way to hold barre chords?
8 Barre Chord Technique Tips
- Lower your thumb and place it roughly halfway downtheneck.
- Use the edge of your index finger.
- Keep your elbow tucked in.
- Place your index finger close to the fret.
- Keep your index finger straight.
Keeping this in consideration, do barre chords get easier?
Lighter gauge strings will make barrechordseasier to play as will a proper set up on your guitar.Thelower the action, the easier it will be to playbarrechords. If you try different guitars, you mayfind onethat is much easier to play barrechordson.
Fret buzz is the annoying sound caused byaguitar string rattling/buzzing against afretwire when the guitar string is beingplucked orplayed. There are three common causes offretbuzz: String Action is too low. Neck doesnothave enough "relief" (neck is too straight, orbowingbackwards)