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Asked by: Lennie Swami
technology and computing tablets and e readersHow do I sync my iPhone to my Amazon Fire tablet?
Launch the Kindle app on your iPhone. Openthe book you want to sync and then tap thecircular arrow button in the bottom toolbar to sync thedevice with the Amazon servers. Open a Webbrowser and go to if yourdevices are still not syncing properly.
Just so, how do I sync my Amazon Fire tablet?
- Swipe down from the top of your Kindle Fire screen. This willbring up the “Quick Settings” toolbar.
- Tap the “Sync” button. Tapping this button willbegin the syncing process.
- Wait for your Kindle Fire to finish syncing.
- Check for the synced files.
- Go to Manage Your Content and Devices.
- Select the Settings tab.
- Under Device Synchronization (Whispersync Settings), setWhispersync Device Synchronization to ON or OFF.
Also Know, what is sync device on Kindle Fire?
Sync Across Fire & KindleDevices and Apps. Whispersync synchronizes your content acrosssupported devices and apps. You can access your content andpick up where you left off on another supported app ordevice that is registered to the same account.
Go to on your computer. Then click YourAccount > Manage Your Kindle > Manage Your Devices> Manage Kindle Device Synchronization. Now, under theheading Device Synchronization (Whispersync Settings), clickTurn Off. Wait a little while, maybe about 10minutes.