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Asked by: Coralio Bauck
technology and computing computer peripheralsHow do I take care of my MacBook Pro screen?
Subsequently, one may also ask, how do I get fingerprints off my MacBook screen?
Shut down the computer and unplug the power adapter.Take the supplied microfiber screen-cleaning cloth oranother microfiber cloth and lightly dampen it with water. Wipe thescreen with the dampened cloth to removefingerprints, dust, dirt and other greasy marks. Wipe thescreen; don't rub it or apply much pressure.
- Make sure that your iMac is turned on, and the other Mac islogged in to a macOS user account.
- Connect the Mini DisplayPort or Thunderbolt cable between thetwo computers.
- Press Command-F2 on the keyboard of the iMac that you want touse as a display.
Correspondingly, can I use Windex on my MacBook screen?
The Monitor/Display (CRT): Since thesedisplays don't have a delicate surface that can be damagedby ammonia or alcohol, you can use Windex or other windowcleaners to clean the glass screen; spray it on lightly anduse a soft cloth (cotton T-shirt or microfiber cloth) toclean dirty monitors.
The anti-reflective coating on the macbook screenis similar to that on anti-reflective eyeglasses and cameralenses. You can safely use the cleaner on allthree, with a clean microfiber cloth. Just be gentle (don'tpush!) and don't clean if you don't need to. Bothwill damage your screen.