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Asked by: Ager Mikolajowsk
technology and computing cameras and camcordersHow do I take the SIM card out of my LG g6?
LG G6™ - Remove SIM Card
- Ensure the device is powered off.
- From the top edge of the device (display facingup),remove the card tray. Utilize theinsertion/removaltool to remove the tray by insertingit into theprovided slot.
- Remove the SIM card from the tray.
- Insert the card tray.
In respect to this, how do you open the SIM card slot on an LG g6?
Hold the phone face up with the top panel facingyou.Insert the tip of the tray eject tool intothetray eject hole next to the microSD & SIMtrayslot. Push the tip into the hole until the trayejects,then pull out the tray.
Beside above, how do I get the SIM card out of my LG phone?
Removing the SIM card
- Turn the phone off, then remove the back cover and thebattery(as demonstrated in the previous instructions).
- Locate the slot for the SIM card (the lower of the twoslotsabove the upper-right corner of the battery compartment) andgentlyslide the SIM card out to remove it.
Bend your paper clip to the position you need and trytopush your SIM card out of the slot. Push thepaperclip in through the back opening for the SIM card slotandpush. If the paper clip doesn't fit, try using the sewingneedle.The goal is to get the SIM card to stickout alittle.