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Asked by: Mose Meindl
hobbies and interests sci fi and fantasyHow do I teleport to the gnome stronghold?
- Use a Necklace of Passage to teleport to the Outpost andrun slightly North East.
- Simply walk into the Tree Gnome Stronghold.
- Use the Spirit tree teleportation (requires completionof Tree Gnome Village).
Similarly one may ask, how do I get to Gnome Stronghold agility?
The Gnome Stronghold Agility Course is located south ofthe Grand Tree in the Tree Gnome Stronghold.
Getting there
- Use a necklace of passage to teleport to the Outpost and runslightly north-east.
- Teleport to Ardougne and run northwest from there.
Correspondingly, how do I teleport to Yanille?
To the north-west is Tree Gnome Village (spirit tree).To the northwest is a fairy ring teleport, CIQ. To the eastis a fairy ring teleport, CLS. Inside the city is a POHportal, which can be reached with a House Teleport spell ortablet if your player-owned house is located inYanille.
Use the Spirit tree teleportation (requirescompletion of Tree Gnome Village). Teleport toArdougne and walk from there (or go to a house and use a portal ina Portal Chamber to teleport to Ardougne and walk fromthere). Launch a Grand seed pod and a Gnome pilotwill take you there to the GrandTree.