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Asked by: Liqin Riedmuller
personal finance personal taxesHow do I transfer a refund from PayPal to my card?
People also ask, how long does it take for a refund on PayPal to go back on my card?
Refund Basics For purchases made with your creditordebitcard, the refund can take up to 30 days toshowup onyour account. If you bought theitemusingyour bank account or PayPalbalance,thebalance will be credited to yourPayPalaccount.Funds can take three to five days toarrive inyouraccount.
Herein, how do I get my PayPal refund back on my card?
Refund within 180 days of payment Go to the Activity section of yourPayPalaccount.Click the transaction you want torefund and thenclick Issuea refund. Enter therefund amount andclick Continue.Confirm the information andclickIssueRefund.
Temporary hold: If your refund status is"held,"itmeans the transaction was refunded before it hasclearedyourbank. This process takes 3-5 business days to complete,andtherefund will be credited to your bank account oncetheprocessis completed. All refunds will be issued to theoriginalform ofpayment.