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Asked by: Restituto Ulacia
technology and computing computer networkingHow do I transfer an EBS from one AZ to another?
Also question is, how do I transfer AWS to another region?
Moving an EC2 Instance to a Different Availability Zone
- Shutdown / stop the instance.
- Right-click the instance and select Create Image to make an AMI from the instance.
- Go to the AMI page, right-click on the new AMI and select Launch Instance.
- In the new instance settings, choose a specific (different) availability zone.
Also Know, can we attach single EBS to multiple ec2s same time?
You cannot attach single EBS to multiple EC2 instance at same time. But you can detach the EBS from 1 EC2 instance to attach it to other EC2 , as EBS is virtually attached volume as opposed to instance store. You can use EFS, which can be used in multiple EC2 at same time instead of EBS.
Designed for mission-critical systems, EBS volumes are replicated within an Availability Zone (AZ) and can easily scale to petabytes of data. Also, you can use EBS Snapshots with automated lifecycle policies to back up your volumes in Amazon S3, while ensuring geographic protection of your data and business continuity.