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Asked by: Venerable Stengelin
hobbies and interests beekeepingHow do I treat my dog for bed bugs?
In respect to this, how do I get rid of bed bugs on my dog?
If you do find bed bugs in your dog's bed here is what to do: “Generally, the dryer is your best friend. Depending on the size of the dog bed or if it's got a zip off cover, just throw it in the dryer for 20 to 30 minutes.
Consequently, can bed bugs live on dogs?
A: Bed bugs don't live on pets or spend as much time on your pet as the more common pests (such as fleas, ticks, lice and mites), but they can bite your pets. Tell the pest service that you have pets and you need them to use a product that is as safe as possible for your family and your pets.
Vacuuming carpets and washing bedding—including pets' bedding—may help reduce an infestation. However, to effectively rid one's home of bedbugs, most experts suggest extermination by a pesticide. "Perhaps the biggest danger pets could face from bedbugs is the use of pesticides to exterminate them," Dr. Wismer adds.