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Asked by: Deivis Guill
home and garden indoor environmental qualityHow do I turn my AC heater on?
Then, why does my AC unit turn on when the heat is on?
Just as with a normal AC unit, refrigerant absorbs heat from one area to another. Heat is absorbed at the inside evaporator coil in the summer, and then it's released outdoors at the condenser coil. With a heat pump, the process reverses in the cooler months.
Just so, can AC be used as a heater?
In short yes! With the addition of a reversing valve, the flow of energy can be reversed, effectively transforming the air conditioner into a heater! Air conditioning units that are able to do this will have a specific 'heating mode'.
Auxiliary Heat. Auixiliary Heat will turn on automatically when heat can no longer efficiently transfer heat from the outside air to heat pump. This is when the outside is around 35-40 degrees and the indoor temperature is around three degrees cooler than the thermostat setting.