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Asked by: Adele Raupenstrauch
automotive auto infotainment technologiesHow do I turn off AirPlay mirroring on iPhone?
To stop mirroring your iOS device,openControl Center, tap Screen Mirroring, then tapStopMirroring. Or press the Menu button on your AppleTVRemote.
Similarly, how do I get rid of the AirPlay icon on my iPhone?
Find AirPlay Settings on iOS 11+
- Open Control Center.
- Find the Music controls and 3D touch or long press it.
- Tap on the AirPlay icon in the upper right corner.
- Select your AirPlay device, Apple TV, or tap on iPhone, iPad,oriPod Touch to disable AirPlay.
- Ensure that both the Apple TV and iOS device are on thesameWi-Fi network.
- On the iOS device, swipe up to reveal the Control Center.
- Tap the “AirPlay Mirroring” button.
- Select “Apple TV” from the list.
Subsequently, question is, how do I stop CarPlay mirroring?
Simply go into Settings > General >CarPlayand select your car. Then, tap “Forget ThisCar” tostop your phone from connecting until you setupCarPlay again later. A pop-up should appear askingwhetheryou would like to connect next time, which makes itconvenient ineither case.
Screen Mirroring in Control Center
- On iPhone with Face ID swipe down from the upper-right cornerofthe screen.
- Tap Screen Mirroring.
- Tap the device you want to mirror your iPhone or iPadscreento.
- Tap Screen Mirroring again to disable it.
- Tap Stop Mirroring to stop mirroring your iPhone oriPadscreen.