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Asked by: Xenia Sanchez Alarcos
technology and computing antivirus softwareHow do I turn off Bitdefender VPN?
Besides, how do I remove Bitdefender VPN?
Uninstall Bitdefender VPN using the instructionsprovided here. Reinstall Bitdefender VPN: bring up theBitdefender interface, then access Privacy in the left menu.In the VPN module, click Open VPN. Click OK toconfirm the change, then restart your PC.
Moreover, how do I turn on Bitdefender VPN?
Opening Bitdefender VPN There are two ways to turn on or offBitdefender VPN: Tap the CONNECT/DISCONNECT button in theVPN card from the Dashboard. In the Mobile Security app,access the VPN tab. Tap CONNECT each time you want to stayprotected while connected to unsecured wirelessnetworks.
Bitdefender Premium VPN works well as asimple way for Bitdefender users to secure their networkconnections when they're out and about, but the service doesn'thave the power, the features or the configurability toattract more demanding types.