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Asked by: Nastia Osayande
technology and computing shareware and freewareHow do I turn off cache in Outlook for Mac?
- Make sure your computer is connected to theExchangeserver.
- In the navigation pane, Ctrl+click or right-click theExchangefolder for which you want to empty the cache, andthen clickProperties.
- On the General tab, click Empty Cache.
Furthermore, how do I turn off cached mode in Outlook?
Turn on or off Cached Exchange Mode
- Click the File tab.
- Click Account Settings, and then click Account Settings.
- On the E-mail tab, click the Exchange account, and thenclickChange.
- Under Microsoft Exchange server, select or clear the UseCachedExchange Mode check box.
- Exit and then restart Microsoft Outlook 2010.
- In Outlook, select “File” >“AccountSettings” > “AccountSettings“.
- Select the Exchange account in the list underthe“E-mail” tab, thenselect“Change…“.
- Check the “Use Cached Exchange Mode” box toenableit. Uncheck it to disable it.
Besides, how do I delete outlook from my Mac?
Fine for IMAP and Exchange but a pain for POPaccounts.To delete the profile, go to Finder >Applications >right-click / CTRL-click on Outlook >Show PackageContents > Contents > SharedSupport >OutlookProfile Manager > Select profile > Click theminus sign toremove. Then empty trash.
Choose “Library” from the Go menuoptions.Once inside the Library folder, find and openthe“Caches” folder. Choose which cachesandtemporary files to clear, you can selectivelychoosespecific app caches and temporary files to clean*, orselectthem all, then place those cache items intotheTrash.