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Asked by: Marylou Armando
technology and computing laptopsHow do I turn off my MacBook keyboard?
Likewise, how do I turn off my MacBook Pro keyboard?
Apple menu and to“SystemPreferences” then select the 'Keyboard'preferencepanel. Under the 'Keyboard' section uncheck thebox for“Adjust keyboard brightness in low light”Nowpress the “F5” key repeatedly (or fn + F5, or findthekeyboard backlight button on Touch Bar) until thekeybacklighting is off.
Also know, is there a way to disable keyboard on Mac?
Here's a solution to this quandary that'll let youtapthe Option key (Alt on some keyboards) five timestodisable the MacBook keyboard and trackpad, butleavethe external keyboard and mouse working. CloseSystemPreferences, then in future when the MacBook keyboardis satupon by a cat, tap Option (Alt) five times.
How to lock a Mac fromyourkeyboard. Once your Mac has a password enabled,here aretwo ways to lock it using only your keyboard:Pressand hold the Control, Shift and Power buttons, or Control +Shift +Eject if your Mac doesn't have a Powerbutton.