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Asked by: Caiyan Beloshapkov
technology and computing computer peripheralsHow do I turn on dual monitors?
Also asked, how do I enable dual monitors?
Right-click any empty area of your desktop, andthenclick Screen resolution. (The screen shot for this step islistedbelow.) 2. Click the Multiple displays drop-down list, andthenselect Extend these displays, or Duplicatethesedisplays.
- Open Settings.
- Click on System.
- Click on Display.
- Under the "Select and rearrange displays" section, selectthemonitor that you want to adjust.
- Under the "Multiple displays" section, use the drop-down menutoset the appropriate viewing mode, including:
Similarly, how do I split my monitor into two screens?
Windows 10 Split Screens Grab the top of one window and move ittothe far left until you see an outline of asplitscreen. Release when this appears to snap thewindowinto a split screen. Grab the otherwindow anddrag it far right until it snaps into therightframe.
2] Manually detect Monitor settings If your operating system cannot detect theothermonitor, right-click on Start, Select Run, and typedesk.cplin the Run box and hit Enter to open the Display Settings.Usually,the second monitor should be detectedautomatically,but if not, you can try detectingitmanually.