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Asked by: Madlena Juravov
music and audio tv and film podcastsHow do I update iTunes match on my iPhone?
Subsequently, one may also ask, how do you update iTunes Match?
iTunes adds the album artwork. From the menubarat the top of your computer screen or at the top oftheiTunes window, choose File > Library >UpdateiCloud Music Library. After iCloud Music Libraryfinishesupdating, open the Music app on youriOSdevice.
Then, how do I turn off iTunes match on my iPhone?
How to unsubscribe from iTunes Match on your iPhoneoriPad
- Open the App Store app.
- Tap your avatar in the top-right corner.
- Tap Manage Subscriptions.
- Tap iTunes Match.
- Tap Cancel Subscription.
- Tap Confirm.
The biggest difference between Apple Music andiTunesMatch is that Apple Music can't own themusicthey downloaded through the service because of DRM(digital rightsmanagement) protection. With iTunes Match,songs added aremade available to your other computers or devices in256 KbpsAAC.