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Asked by: Kamel Ambrosino
home and garden smart homeHow do I update the firmware on my Linksys ea3500?
- Launch a web browser and enter “192.168.
- Enter your login credentials.
- Click on Administration > Firmware Upgrade.
- Click the Browse…
- Locate and select the file that you have downloaded thenclickOpen.
- Click the Start Upgrade button.
- Click Continue when it prompts that the upgrade hasbeensuccessful.
Hereof, how do I upgrade the firmware on my Linksys router?
Update the router firmware from thewebinterface. Click the "Administration" tab and selectthe"Firmware Upgrade" option from the pull-down menu. ClicktheBrowse button in the dialogue box and locate thefirmwareupdate file you just downloaded from themanufacturer'swebsite.
- Launch a web browser from a computer or mobile device thatisconnected to your router's network.
- Click or tap Enter.
- Enter your admin user name and password.
- Select ADVANCED > Administration or Settings>Administration.
- Select Firmware Update or Router Update.
Also know, how do I update my Linksys ea6350 firmware?
The Manually Update
- Download the latest firmware of your Linksys Smart Wi-FiRouterand save it in your computer.
- Access your Linksys cloud account.
- Click Connectivity.
- Under the Firmware Update section, click the button.
- Select the file you have downloaded and click Open.
- Click the button.
Visit the Cisco Linksys support site andselectyou router's model to see if there is anupdatedversion. If there is a new version, download it to aconvenientlocation on your system. On your router go toAdministration>> Firmware Upgrade. Browse to thelocation of thelatest drive you just downloaded.