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Asked by: Patience Olibares
technology and computing photo editing softwareHow do I upload photos from Apple photos to Facebook?
How to Share Images on Facebook with Apple Photos
- Right-click on photos. To select multiple images,hold Command while clicking.
- Select Share.
- Select Facebook. You may be prompted to sign in toFacebook if you haven't done so before.
- Click Post.
- Right-click an image.
- Select Share.
- Select Twitter.
- Click Post.
In respect to this, how do I share a photo on Facebook?
To share photos from your Page:
- Click Share a photo or video at the top of your Page'stimeline.
- Choose an option: Upload Photos/Video: Add photos or a videofrom your computer.
- Select the photos or videos you want to add.
- Write an optional update and click Publish.
- On your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, go to Settings > [yourname] > iCloud > Photos, then turn on Shared Albums.
- On your Mac, choose Apple (?) menu > SystemPreferences.
- On your Apple TV, go to Settings > iCloud > iCloud PhotosSettings and turn on Shared Albums.
Thereof, how do you upload multiple pictures to Facebook on a Mac?
To select multiple photos to be uploadedat the same time, hold the CTRL key (or CMD key, for Mac) asyou click on each photo to upload. Upload photos.Click on the “Open” button on the lower right corner ofthe small window, and the selected photos will startuploading to Facebook under a new album.
How to import images and folders into Photos
- Open Photos from your Dock or Applications folder.
- Click on the File menu.
- Select Import (or type command-Shift-I).
- Find and select the image(s) you're looking to import.
- Click Review for Import.