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Asked by: Younas Luxenhofer
medical health eye and vision conditionsHow do I use chromatic aberration in Photoshop?
Chromatic Aberration Photoshop
- Duplicate the Layer. First thing you have to do is duplicatethelayer.
- Create Gaussian Blur. In order to do it, go to the Filtermenu,select “Blur” and then choose“GaussianBlur”.
- Change the Blend Mode. Open the Blend Mode menu.
- Add an Inverted Layer Mask.
- Paint Out the Chromatic Aberration.
Hereof, how do I get chromatic aberration?
Here are some tricks to reduce chromaticaberrationin-camera:
- shoot in Raw, so you have more play during theeditingstage.
- avoid high contrast scenes.
- accurate focus to reduce the LoCA blur, making itlooksmaller.
- stepping down your lens by 1 stop or 2, i.e., by usingsmallerapertures, to remove LoCA.
- In Photoshop, click on “Adjustments” underthe“Image” tab.
- Select “Hue/Saturation”.
- Where you see “Master”, click on it andselect“Blues” to get to the blue channel.
- Once you've selected the specific color channel, you willhavethe eyedropper tool.
One may also ask, how do I get rid of chromatic aberration?
How to Remove Chromatic Aberrations inAdobeLightroom
- Open Lightroom and zoom in on a part of your image where youseevisible chromatic aberrations.
- Click to the 'Lens Correction' panel (in the 'Develop'module)in either the 'Basic' or 'Color' tab.
- Click the 'Remove Chromatic Aberrations' checkbox to turniton.
Chromatic Aberration is a visual effectthatdistorts the game image, the result of which is muchlikeviewing a game or movie in 3D without the glasses. It'susedsubtly in some games, and more aggressivelyinothers.