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Asked by: Isabell Boker
hobbies and interests paranormal phenomenaHow do I use my vampire seduction power?
In respect to this, what is vampire seduction in Skyrim?
Vampire's Seduction is a stage-two vampirepower in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim that reduces thetarget's inclination to attack for 30 seconds. The magnitude islevel affected – the power only works on characters/creaturesup to the level specified.
Just so, how do I use vampire powers in Skyrim?
To alternate between powers use the favoritesmenu. You have to use drain health (the spell in your righthand while in magic mode) to boost the Vampire Lord skilland acquire perks. Some people have said you can also do it througha bite power attack (when you power attack in meleemode and they have low health).
To feed on a victim select/use vampire seduction(one the D-pad) then click on the victim and select feed. The powerbite is a finishing move, correct me if wrong, that happenswhile in vampire lord form.