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Asked by: Blaise De Cal
technology and computing photo editing softwareHow do I use WebP images on Android?
Besides, how do I save an image from WebP?
Right-click on the image, then click OpenWith> Paint if it's not set to open WebP files bydefault.Once you open the image in Paint, click File>Save As, then choose a format from thelistavailable. Choose a destination for the file, thenclick“Save.”
Also to know is, what is WebP image format?
WebP is a modern image format thatprovidessuperior lossless and lossy compression for imageson theweb. WebP lossy images are 25-34% smallerthancomparable JPEG images at equivalent SSIM qualityindex.Lossless WebP supports transparency (also known asalphachannel) at a cost of just 22% additional bytes.
WebP Browser Support. Currently, onlyGoogleChrome and Opera support WebP images. Although otherpopularweb browsers such as Firefox, Safari, and IE donotcurrently support the new image format natively, therehasbeen some discussion regarding this topic on Twitter, inforumsddd,etc.