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Asked by: Dilia Marschalck
hobbies and interests woodworkingHow do I work out how much flooring I need?
Moreover, how do I calculate how much vinyl flooring I need?
To determine a floor'ssquarefootage,multiply length times width. When measuring, roundoffinches tothe nearest foot. For irregularly shapedfloors,divide theminto individual sections, calculatethe squarefeet in eachone, and then add them together.
Likewise, how many boxes of laminate do I need?
Determine the number of boxesyouneedbefore ordering your laminate flooring.Eachbox offlooring should include a notation of thetotalsquarefootage it covers. One box of flooring may cover30squarefeet. Divide this number into the total square footage oftheareayou plan to cover.
Sheet linoleum costs about $4 per sq.ft.toinstall while sheet vinyl costsaround$3/sf.Installing luxury vinyl tiles (LVT) orplanks(LVP)costs considerably more, hovering at $7 persq.ft..Linoleum tile averages just under $5.50persquarefoot, including installation.