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Asked by: Dewey Mogilev
real estate real estate renting and leasingHow do I write a letter to raise my rent?
- Tenant's name.
- Property address.
- Landlord name and contact information.
- Date the letter is written.
- Date the rent increase will take effect.
- Amount of rent increase.
- Current cost of rent.
Consequently, how can I raise my rent?
If you rent under a month-to-monthrentalagreement, the landlord can raise the rent (orchangeany other term of the rental arrangement) by giving you theproperamount of notice, which in most states is 30 days. Also,therent increase notice must be in writing; in somestates,certified mail is required.
- Cost of Living. With each passing year, overall cost oflivingincreases, and with it, your rent.
- Maintenance.
- Taxes.
- Improvements.
- Change in Neighborhood.
Accordingly, how much can I raise my tenants rent?
Most tenants expect a slight rentincreaseat renewal time of say $20-50 or so. But if you spring a$200 ormore increase on them after not having increased therentfor five years, you'll likely get some negativefeedback. A goodrule of thumb is to raise the rentabout 3-5 percenta year.
Calculating the New Rent After aPercentageIncrease
- Convert the percentage figure (3.1%) into a decimal bydividingit by 100. Example: 3.1 / 100 = .031.
- Multiply the original rent by the rent increase to getthemonthly dollar increase.
- Add the dollar amount of the increase to the original renttoget the new rent.