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Asked by: Rodrick Livanov
family and relationships single lifeHow do I write notes on my Kindle?
On the Kindle, you'll have to select"CreateNote" before you start. On the Kindle Touch,theoption will say "Add Note," and on the KindleFire,it will simply say "Note." Use the on-screen keyboardtoenter your note. On the Kindle Keyboard, you canjustbegin typing to enter your note.
In this way, how do I use notes on my Kindle?
Press the “Menu” button. Ifyou'reusing a Kindle Touch, tap the center of thescreen,and then tap “Menu.” Select the“ViewNotes and Marks” option in the menu to viewa list ofhighlights, notes and bookmarks you'vecreated forthe book.
Subsequently, one may also ask, how do I write notes on my kindle fire?
Kindle Fire: How to Add Notes and Highlight Text inaBook
- Tap and hold the first word in the text you wish to add anoteto or highlight.
- Once you have selected the text, let go and a menu shouldappearwhere you can select “Note” or“Color“(newerFire)/”Highlight“(olderFire).
- If you selected “Note“, a window will appearwhereyou can type your note.
View Kindle Highlights
- Go to
- Then, log into your Amazon Account if you're not alreadysignedin.
- Next, you'll see the following page in your browserwindow.After you've logged into your Amazon account, you'll nowhaveaccess to all your Kindle Highlights and notes.