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Asked by: Candace Unsain
personal finance retirement planningHow do LA Fitness personal trainers get paid?
Subsequently, one may also ask, how much money do LA fitness trainers make?
LA Fitness Trainer yearly salaries in theUnitedStates Average LA Fitness Trainer yearly pay intheUnited States is approximately $62,608, which is 28% abovethenational average.
Moreover, do LA Fitness trainers get paid hourly?
Popular Employer Salaries forPersonalTrainer Reported salaries are highest atSelf-Employedwhere the average pay is $45.00. PlanetFitness paysthe lowest at around $12.06. 24 Hour FitnessInc. andAnytime Fitness, Inc. also pay on the lowerend ofthe scale, paying $13.23 and$15.35,respectively.
Depends on thelevelof experience the trainer has and the contract theyhavenegotiated with the facility. As a rule of thumb abeginnertrainer may retain as low as 20% of the revenuetheygenerate.