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Asked by: France Schwindenhammer
home and garden indoor environmental qualityHow do radiator cooling fans work?
Also to know is, how do cooling fans work?
The engine cooling fan is designed to move air through the radiator when the vehicle is at slower speeds or stopped. This air flow removes heat from the coolant created by the engine using the radiator as a conductor. An engine cooling fan is temperature controlled to only run when needed.
Hereof, should both radiator fans be on?
cooling fans The answer to your question is yes both fans will run when your at 230 degrees, if you have the parking lights on and your at 212 degrees one fan will come on, and when you have the air conditioning on you have one fan on as well.
If the thermostat is stuck open (allowing coolant to flow) it can cause the engine to run cooler than normal so obviously the fan wouldn't come on..but not like the engine/coolant can be running too hot and the thermostat somehow effects the sensor reading or operation of the fan.