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Asked by: Yovany Vilarrubi
family and relationships internet safetyHow do school block websites?
The simplest way to block a website onyourschool's network is with a web monitoring program,whichallows you to block individual addresses as well asgroups ofwebsites. The second way to block websitesis a bitmore complex and machine-based: installing a filteringprogram oneach school computer.
Similarly, it is asked, how do I block certain websites on my network?
To block internet sites:
- Launch an internet browser from a computer or wirelessdevicethat is connected to the network.
- You are prompted to enter a username and password.
- Click ADVANCED > Security > Block Sites.
- Select one of the Keyword Blocking options:
Also know, why do schools censor the Internet?
Parents can use them to restrict theirchildren'sinternet access, and businesses can usethem toprevent their employees from being distracted at work.NCACis most concerned with internet filters inpubliclibraries and schools.
6 Ways to Bypass Blocked Sites and Restrictions
- Use a VPN. The most popular way of accessing blockedinternetsites is to use a high-quality paid VPN.
- Use a Smart DNS.
- Use a Free Proxy.
- Use Google Translate.
- Use a Site's IP Address.
- Use Tor.