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Asked by: Darc Firnhaber
business and finance publishing industryHow do you abbreviate assistance?
Summary: Assistance Abbreviation
There are a few common abbreviationsofassistance. They are A, asstc.,andasst.
Hereof, how do you abbreviate program?
There are two common abbreviations ofprogram:prgm. and prog. If you want to make either of theseplural, simplyadd on an “s.”
Consequently, how do you abbreviate administrative assistant?
So Administrative Assistant would beAdmin.Asst.
As a matter of style, most journals advise authors nottostart any sentence with an abbreviation or anumber.However, acronyms are generally acceptable in thatposition,either because they are words in their own right (such aslaser andradar) or represent names of organizations (such as NASAandCERN).