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Asked by: Kathia Jellinik
automotive auto navigation systemsHow do you activate the Tesla Easter egg?
In this way, what is a Tesla Easter egg?
Tesla is known for hiding clever Easter eggs in its vehicles. Some Easter eggs include Mario Kart and Mars rover simulations that can be activated with certain access codes. Elon Musk has said he will also add an Easter Egg that plays Marilyn Monroe singing "Happy Birthday."
In this manner, where are the Tesla Easter eggs?
Teslarati aptly calls it the “Easter Egg Menu,” which users can open by way of the “T” Tesla icon. After users tap this option, they should swipe down across the screen showing a Tesla car graphic. As users discover Easter eggs, they'll start showing up under this window where they can be easily accessed again.
The easter egg can be conjured by tapping the Tesla T from the main screen to pull up the “About Your Tesla” screen. From there, just hold down on the Model 3 logo for a few seconds, which makes the normal Model 3 zoom away and the sketch appears.