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Asked by: Sirio Zharkikh
style and fashion makeup and accessoriesHow do you apply loose powder foundation?
Correspondingly, can you use loose powder as foundation?
Loose powder seals the moist consistencyoffoundation and makes it last longer. For people withoilyskin, wearing loose powder is a must because it helpstocontrol oil, keeping the face free from shine.
Herein, do you need setting powder with powder foundation?
Liquid and cream products should always gounderpowder. So if you are using liquid andpowderfoundation, always apply the liquid first. Is itnecessary toapply setting powder after applyingfoundationpowder?
Because it's finer, it contains less oil thanpressedpowder, so it's definitely the best choice for oilyskin. Asmall compact of pressed powder is perfect fortouchupsduring the day. It goes on heavier and has more oilsthan loosepowder, which makes it easier to conceal blemishesand attainan even skin tone.