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Asked by: Altha Matsigura
medical health eye and vision conditionsHow do you apply ointment to a dog's eye?
- Hold the ointment tube using your thumb andindexfinger.
- With your other hand, use your thumb to gently pulldownthe lower eyelid or your thumb and forefinger to open bothupperand lower eyelids.
- Squeeze the ointment onto the inside edge of thelowerlid.
In this way, how do I apply Terramycin to my dog?
With your other hand, use your thumb to pulldownthe lower eyelid. Place your remaining fingers underthedog's jaw to support the head. Squeeze the ointment ontotheinside edge of the lower lid. Make sure you DO NOT touch theeye'ssurface with the tube.
Considering this, how do I apply neomycin eye ointment to my dog?
When applying ointments, place one hand underandaround your pet's chin and lift upward, so thepet'seyes are looking towards the ceiling. Pull down gentlyon thelower lid with a finger or thumb, depending upon whicheyeyou are treating. Rest your other hand, holdingthemedication, on top of the pet's head.
Erythromycin Eye Ointment, 0.5% Erythromycin ophthalmic is aprescription,antibiotic eye ointment used to treat a varietyof bacterialeye infections and conditions in dogs andcats. Ifyour pet has been diagnosed with an eye condition,yourveterinarian may prescribe an ointmentlikeErythromycin.