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Asked by: Armin Hagurov
style and fashion makeup and accessoriesHow do you apply silicone to a bathroom sink?
Besides, how do you get silicone off a bathroom sink?
How to Remove Silicone From a Stainless SteelSink
- Soak the silicone with undiluted white vinegar and let it sitfor five to 10 minutes.
- Scrape off the silicone using either a razor blade or puttyknife.
- Squirt a small amount of dish detergent on a damp sponge andclean the affected area of the sink to remove any remainingsilicone.
Considering this, how do you caulk a bathroom sink to the wall?
Point the tip of the caulk tube at the end of thefirst space between your bathroom sink and the wall.Hold the gun at a 45-degree angle. Squeeze the trigger and pull thecaulk gun along the crack, laying an even bead ofcaulk. Repeat with other spaces around thesink.
Well WD40 does peel off old silicone, andit does do so much better than any product I have everpurchased over the last 30 years. But, and here's the rub. Unlessyou can be 100% sure you have cleaned away every last drop or smearof WD40, it can, and probably will, react with your newsealant.