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Asked by: Beneharo Skinner
food and drink desserts and bakingHow do you arrange cookies on a platter?
Put a single cookie in the center of the tray, then arrange the rest of the cookies in circles around the central cookie. Square or rectangular cookies are ideal for horizontal or vertical line arrangements. Layer one cookie slightly on top of the next to create texture in your display.
Similarly, it is asked, what do you put on a cookie tray?
Some flavor ideas are:
- Chocolate and/or chocolate chip, such as Chocolate Chip Snowball Cookies, Chocolate Cheesecake Cookies, and Chocolate Chip Cookie Brownie Bites.
- Peanut butter, such as Peanut Butter Cookie Cups, Peanut Butter Gooey Butter Cookies, and Peanut Butter Molasses Cookies.
In this way, how much is a cookie tray?
For a small tray (10-15 people/45 cookies) I charge $25, medium (25-30/90 cookies) $50, and for a large tray (50-60 people/180 cookies) $100.
If you have an abundance of cookies, then consider placing small take-home boxes at the end of the table, so guests can grab their favorite cookies on their way out the door. Wrap ribbon around the top of the tall canisters that coordinates with the colors of the wedding.