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Asked by: Altair Kort
events and attractions funeralHow do you ask someone how do you spell their name in French?
To ask someone their name, a strangerorsomeone older than you, ask, "Commentvousappelez-vous?". When asking someone your own age,it's"Comment tu t'appelles?" To answer, say"Jem'appelle" + Your Name. Example: "Jem'appelleDavid."
Then, how do you say how do you spell your name in French?
your reply is either your name orsomethinglike, "My name is (blank)." In French, themost oftenused reply is "Je m'appelle," which literally means,"I callmyself" To properly pronounce it, it soundslike this: je =zhuh.
Menu 0:00 | |
Comment vous appelez-vous ? Quel est votre nom ? | How do you call yourself? (formal) What is your name? |
Tu t'appelles comment ? | What is your name? (informal) |
Je m'appelle… Je suis… Moi, je suis… | My name is… I am… I'm… |
Then, how do you say your name and age in French?
Lesson Summary To answer, saying how old you are, you beginwithj'ai followed by your age, for example, J'ai 22 ans.InFrench, the verb avoir is always used when sayinghowold someone is. To tell a girl's age, you'dsay,for example, Elle a 8 ans.