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Hereof, what do you bait a raccoon trap with?
A wide variety of baits will tickle their palates.Mostof the wildlife trappers I know use a variety of foods,fromwet or dry cat food, to white bread, to specialraccoontrapping pastes. However, in my years in the field,I've foundthat they love marshmallows.
Herein, how do you bait a raccoon in a live trap?
Raccoon Trapping Tips & Methods
- STEP 1: Purchase a large and sturdy steel cage large enoughtohold raccoons. 12x12x36 is a preferable size.
- STEP 2: Set the trap on a flat and stable surface in theareayou are having raccoon problems.
- STEP 3: Bait the trap with non-meat bait.
- STEP 4: Once caught, be very careful handling the trap.
Raccoon Behavior Activity: Nocturnal in nature, raccoonsaremostly active at nighttime. They are most activeinspring, summer and fall, and will sleep in their densformost of the winter. Reproduction: Reproduction beginsinlate winter. Females, or sows, usually give birth to 1-6 babykitsin April or May.