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Asked by: Larisa Klugermann
family and relationships parenting babies and toddlersHow do you become a good listener for kids?
Here are seven ways you can help your child become a betterlistener:
- Be a good listener. Don't interrupt your childwhen he's telling you a story.
- Give clear, simple directions for everyday tasks.
- Praise good listening.
- Say what you mean.
- Be consistent with consequences.
- Read aloud together.
In this manner, how can I improve my 4 year olds listening skills?
Try these activities to help develop and sharpen yourchild's listening skills.
- Read stories to your child.
- Cook with your child.
- Have conversations about things your child is interestedin.
- Play the telephone game.
- Create a list of questions with your child for him or her toask you or a sibling.
- Talk to your child all the time. Tell her about an interestingstory you read in the newspaper.
- Make reading an interactive activity.
- Ask your child to predict how a story will end.
- Revisit an old favorite.
- Listen to stories together.
- Make up silly rhymes.
- Play "story chain."
- Listen to music.
Beside above, how can I improve my 6 year olds listening skills?
Be a Listener Role Model To help your child develop his listening skills,you must consistently model good listening skills. When your6-year-old talks to you, make eye contact andgive him your full attention. Instead of shouting to him fromanother part of your home, talk to him when you are both in thesame room.
Discipline: 5 Dos and Don'ts When Your Kids Won'tListen
- Don't view discipline as punishment. Look at discipline as ameans of actively engaging with kids to help mold their moralcharacter.
- Do find opportunities for praise. Pay attention to what yourchild is doing, Dr. Gaydos advises.
- Do set limits and keep them.
- Don't threaten or explode.
- Do be a parent, not a buddy.