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Asked by: Amantina Alipio
personal finance student financial aidHow do you become a nurse in the Navy?
- Earn Your Nursing Degree.
- Take and pass the NCLEX.
- Gain civilian experience or decide to enlist.
- Talk to a recruiter.
- Complete the application packet.
- Complete an Officer Basic Leadership Course (BOLC).
Also, how long does it take to become a Navy nurse?
In order to join the Navy Nurse Corps, you have to agree to serve at least three years on active duty. Candidates must earn a bachelor of science degree from a nursing program accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education.
In this manner, does the Navy have a nursing program?
The Navy has many opportunities for young men and women interested in careers in nursing and healthcare. If you are selected for scholarship, you must major in a nursing degree program leading to a BSN. While in program, male and female students participate in NROTC and are referred to as midshipmen.
Active duty nurses in the Navy Corps may be stationed at any one of the more than 250 Navy and military medical facilities around the globe. From Hawaii to Germany to Washington state. Navy nurses also serve and provide care aboard one of the two dedicated hospital ships: the USNS Comfort and the USNS Mercy.