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Asked by: Tleitmas Barral
hobbies and interests genealogy and ancestryHow do you become a professional genealogist?
- Join the Association of Professional Genealogists.
- Prepare and Apply for Certification and/or Accreditation.
- Attend Educational Seminars and Workshops.
- Subscribe to Genealogical Journals/Magazines and Read Every Page.
- Explore the Local Courthouses, Libraries, and Archives.
Keeping this in consideration, what qualifications do you need to be a genealogist?
No formal education is required to become a genealogist, although bachelor's degree programs in family history and genealogy do exist. However, these programs are rare. Instead, many colleges offer genealogy courses through the anthropology or history departments.
- Establish your credentials as a professional genealogist.
- Join a professional genealogical society.
- Determine what your specialties are.
- Develop a business plan.
- Develop your writing and speaking skills.
- Use the Web.
- Consider the services of a genealogical consultant.
Similarly, how much does a professional genealogist make?
Salary Recap The average pay for a Genealogist is $70,150 a year and $34 an hour in the United States. The average salary range for a Genealogist is between $50,455 and $86,424.
You can make money working as a family historian or a professional genealogist. These genealogists have almost always made a name for themselves through marketing themselves as a brand or through social media. They are authors or have worked for organizations like Ancestry or other genealogical societies.