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Asked by: Vidas Todorsky
business and finance real estate industryHow do you become a real estate appraiser in Oklahoma?
4 Steps to Become a Trainee Appraiser in Oklahoma
- Step 1: Meet the Basic Requirement: You must be at least 18years old.
- Step 2: Complete the Pre-License Education.
- Step 3: Submit Application to the Oklahoma Real EstateAppraiser Board.
- Step 4: Find a Certified Appraiser to be YourSupervisor.
Also, how much do appraisers make in Oklahoma?
Avg Salary Updated in 2018. Real estate appraisers earn anaverage yearly salary of $39,130. Wages typically start from$19,060 and go up to $100,200.
- Complete a 90-hour Basic I Pre-License course.
- Submit your application to the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission(OREC).
- Complete a background check.
- Pass the state exam.
- Pay your license fee to the Oklahoma Real EstateCommission.
Similarly, you may ask, how do I get my real estate appraisal license?
How to Become a Real Estate Appraiser in 7 Steps
- Step 1: Get a Trainee License By Completing Coursework.
- Step 2: Complete 1,000 Hours of Real Estate WorkExperience.
- Step 3: Complete Final College-level Coursework for AppraiserLicense.
- Step 4: Pass the Residential Real Property Appraiser Exam.
- Step 5: Submit Your License Application to Get Your AppraiserLicense.
To become a licensed home inspector in the State ofOklahoma, you just need to follow a few simple steps.
- Complete an approved 90-hour home inspection course.
- Take and pass the Oklahoma State Home Inspectors Exam.
- Start your own home inspection business or go to work for anexisting home inspection company!