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Asked by: Mouhamadou Ganszawski
hobbies and interests needleworkHow do you bind off a stitch pattern?
Pattern Instructions
- Step 1: Knit your first stitch as normal.
- Step 2: Purl your second stitch as normal.
- Step 3: Slip the first stitch over the second stitch.
- Step 4: Knit one.
- Step 5: Slip stitch over the new stitch.
- Step 6: Purl one.
- Step 7: Slip stitch over the new stitch.
Similarly, it is asked, do you always Bind off in pattern?
Always, always, always bind off loosely. This includes the stitches that you are knitting or purling during the process as well as when you pass a stitch over and off.
- Step 1: Purl one.
- Step 2: Purl the next stitch.
- Step 3: Insert the main needle through the base of the farthest st on from the tip of the working needle.
- To finish: When one st remains, pull a loop through the last stitch.
People also ask, how do you do a stretchy bind off?
Step-by-Step Instructions for the Stretchy Bind-Off Knitting Method
- Knit together the first two stitches on the left needle THROUGH THE BACK LOOP. ( Figure 1)
- Slip the new stitch on the right needle back to the left needle. ( Figure 2)
- Repeat 1 and 2 until all stitches are bound off.
To bind off or cast off knitting, you secure the stitches in the last row worked so they don't unravel. Binding off and casting off knitting is also called finishing the edge. Whatever you call it, it's easy to do.