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Asked by: Baldomer Prigorovsky
automotive road side assistanceHow do you break into a 2006 Trailblazer?
Also to know is, how do you unlock a Slim Jim on a trailblazer?
Align the slim jim with the lock and push it down toward the keyhole. When you see the lock start to move, pull the slim jim upward slowly until the door unlocks.
Keeping this in view, how do you unlock a car door without a key?
As long as you can pry the top part of your car door open at least a little bit, you can use a wooden wedge, air wedge, and a rod to unlock your car. Grab the wooden wedge first and slide it in through the top part of the door. To not damage the paint, put a cover (preferably plastic) around the wedge.
A Slim Jim Can Open Any Car Often they will only work with older vehicles that still use post locks (the upright style mechanisms that are depressed to lock and pulled up to open). Without extensive training, attempting to position a slim jim inside the door may be enough to damage the car's electronics.