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Asked by: Utman Azillona
family and relationships datingHow do you break up with your girlfriend nicely?
Break-up Do's and Don'ts
- Think over what you want and why you want it. Take timetoconsider your feelings and the reasons foryourdecision.
- Think about what you'll say and how the other personmightreact.
- Have good intentions.
- Be honest — but not brutal.
- Say it in person.
- If it helps, confide in someone you trust.
In this regard, how do I break up with my girlfriend without hurting her?
How to Dump Your Girlfriend Without HurtingHerFeelings
- Explain your reason for wanting to break up with clarity.
- Firmly close the door on the relationship.
- Avoid breaking up on the phone.
- End the relationship as soon as you realize it is over.
- Break up with your girlfriend privately.
- Tell her you have something to talk about.
- Start your conversation with a compliment.
- Inform your soon-to-be-ex of what failed intherelationship.
- Say you want to break up.
- Let your partner know why she is a good catch.
- Listen to final comments.
Just so, how do you know if you want to break up with your girlfriend?
Let's begin.
- You Aren't Happy With Your Girlfriend.
- You've Been Doubting The Relationship…for aLongTime.
- You Can't Get Your Needs Met (Even Though You've TriedManyTimes)
- She Avoids Problems within the Relationship Instead ofWorkingOn Them.
- You Don't Have Fun Together and Cling to Good Memories ofthePast.
10 Reasons to Break up with Someone You StillCareAbout
- You have clashing values. Shared values (or lack thereof)canmake or break a relationship.
- They cheated.
- You don't put any effort into the relationship.
- Abuse.
- You're growing apart.
- Your arguing is unhealthy.
- Your personalities don't mix.
- There's no more spark.