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Asked by: Kenton Winandt
home and garden landscapingHow do you build a flagstone retaining wall?
- Step 1 – Select Area and Insert Sticks.
- Step 2 – Dig the Base for the Flagstone Wall.
- Step 3 – Add Gravel to the Trench.
- Step 4 – Lay the Stones.
- Step 5 – Cover the Joints.
- Step 6 – Finish the Top.
Similarly one may ask, how do you dry stack flagstone walls?
Stagger the stones like brickwork to make the wall more stable. Keep the straight edge of the rocks at the front of the wall, unless you want a rustic, natural look. Use a stone hammer to shape any pieces that need some help. Place pretty, large, flat rocks on top of the all as capstones.
Secondly, do you need landscape fabric behind retaining wall?
Whether the wall is made from stones, bricks or wood, it is important to provide a barrier between the building blocks and the soil. Landscape fabric is thin and sturdy and is a simple way to preserve a retaining wall's construction.
The average cost of building a retaining wall is $5,370. Most homeowners find themselves spending between $3,202 and $8,388. The cost of retaining wall materials ranges from $3 to $40 per square foot. Wall block prices fall between $10 and $15 per square foot, while precase, poured concrete runs $20 to $25.