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Asked by: Cathaysa Ludewigs
home and garden landscapingHow do you build a raised garden bed with landscape timber?
STEP 1 – Purchase 8′ landscaping timbers, stakes, wood oil stain, garden soil, rebar, etc. STEP 2 – Cut the timbers so you have an 8′ x 4′ garden box. Once cut put them in the yard and do a test fit. STEP 3 – Then stake them on the corners for drilling.
Likewise, people ask, how do you stabilize landscape timbers?
Placing 12-inch spikes in the timbers helps to stabilize them as well.
- Mark where you plan to install the front edge of the edging with a pair of stakes and a string.
- Dig a trench approximately 3 or 4 inches deep with a shovel.
- Set the landscape timbers in the trench.
- Measure the length of any timbers you need to cut.
- Wash the cut area on the pressure-treated landscape timbers with oil solvent, which you can buy at many drug stores.
- Sand the area around the cut area of the pressure-treated landscape timber with sandpaper to remove the remainder of the solvent.
- Stain or paint the wood if you want to while the cut area is exposed.
Moreover, can landscape timbers be used for vegetables?
CCA-treated landscaping timbers are still considered safe for use in a variety of outdoor structures, including decks, fences and gazebos, but should never be used in vegetable gardens, or where the wood may be in contact with food.
Rebar, ribbed metal rods used in building construction, is one method used to hold landscape timbers in place and secure then to the ground.
- Mark the footprint for the new timbers using spray paint of construction caulk.
- Secure the corners together using screws designed for pressure treated wood.